We have built and pray to continue building to completion a living Rosary Path and Mary’s Way of The Cross. The Path fills pilgrim souls with spiritual and material riches abundantly flowing from reverent and leisurely meditation upon the prayers of the Rosary and Way of The Cross, amidst the peace and the natural beauty of God’s creation​.
- Please join us for an evening Rosary and Mary’s Way of The Cross every Friday at 7:30 PM at Marylake on the corner of Keele Street and the 15th Side Road. Due to the closure of the Rosary Path, we meet in front of the large, white Statue of Mary, our Blessed Mother. Everyone is welcome. Deacon Don and Lou Conte will lead the prayers. Pilgrims are encouraged to participate. Dress appropriately as we pray, regardless of the weather, come rain, snow, or shine.
Important Message: Shrine & Grounds Closure
We are very saddened to report that, due to the construction work occurring at Marylake and the renovation of the Shrine, the Shrine, and grounds will be closed to the public for about 1 year for safety concerns starting Saturday, February 10, 2024, at 7:00 PM; We have no control in this matter. This includes Picnics, BBQs, Events, the Rosary Path, and the Gift Shop.All Masses and other devotional activities will now be held in the Retreat House Chapel, still on the Marylake property. There is a new entrance off the west side of Keele Street about 1 km north of the 15th side Road (north of the Gate House and the large statue of Mary).
​All of Marylake’s schedules remain the same, except for an additional day of confessions on Saturdays from 9:45 AM - 10:45AM.
Retreat House Chapel Hours:
Mon - Fri: 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM.
Thu: 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM and 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM.
Sat - Sun: 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM.
Please continue to visit our website, here, for all updates. Thank you for your continued support. The Queen of the Holy Rosary Shrine Lay Apostolate (the builders of the Rosary Path) looks forward to the re-opening of Marylake and continuing without Lay Apostolate work. Thank you, in advance, for your continued financial support for our Lay Apostolate. See our Mission Statement below. With your prayers and support, we will be able to complete the building of the Rosary Path, once the reopening occurs. We will soon be posting a notice of our annual fundraising dinner, which is currently in the planning stages.

- We are pleased to share with you a letter of recognition from Most Reverend Robert Kasun, CSB, Auxiliary Bishop of Toronto, Central Pastoral Region. To see the letter, please click here ...
- Come see what we have built, an astounding video made by Jonathan Neville and his team. Click here …
Our Missi​on Statement
Our aim, from inception, has been to save souls, to love and help the poor, and to renew the faith of Christians and
of Christian families. With the generous support of our friends, we believe that we can best serve God by
supporting and spreading devotion to our Blessed Mother through praying the Rosary daily.
Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God, that we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.
In union with Mary, we, The Queen of The Holy Rosary Shrine, Lay Apostolate
are bringing souls to Christ by:
- Promoting the Catholic Faith
- Raising Awareness of the Abundance of Spiritual Riches and Material Benefits Flowing From Reverently and Leisurely Meditating Upon the Prayers of the Rosary, the Way of the Cross, and Divine Mercy
- Creating and Completing the Environmental Sculpture of the Rosary, a Beautiful Way of the Cross....Mary's Way of the Cross and Promoting the Vision of a World-class Pilgrimage Site
- Spreading the Gospel by Means of Both Preaching the Word and by Imaging the Word Through Sacred Art
- Promoting Pilgrimages and Retreats to Marylake, Shrine of Our Lady of Grace
- Raising Funds to Successfully Achieve Our Lay Apostolate Work
- Helping the Poor and Needy

We are a registered CRA Charity and can issue tax receipts for donations related to our project.
CRA Charity Number 81195 6283 RR 0001